How to Double Your Sales

Basic ways to improve your website:

  1. Remove all option in scrolling navigation other than “apply” button
  2. Make the text in the large paragraph easy to read
  3. Reduce the footer navigation option
  4. Add a call to action within each section

Other ways to improve your sales:

1. Engage Visitors

To engage your visitor, you can make some quiz for them. The quiz makes someone feel more challenged when they fill the form. Indirectly, you will make someone give their information and you can collect it. This way can increase lead collection by 108.3%. Don’t forget to create engagement first before you give visitors a quiz. When you engage with them first, you will make visitors to your website feel like “I already spent all this time engaging, might as well just complete the rest”. Remember, the more they feel engaged, the easier it will be for you to get their information.

2. Don’t Use an Exit Pop Up

You must make the pop-up feature more unique. Making an ordinary feature will make it boring. You can improve them by using a gif image for the background of the exit pop up or use another simple thing like that. This trick will increase engagement by 16%. Be more creative for this trick.

3. Use Geo Location Data

Almost everyone is more likely to use the product which is often used by people around them. Because of that, in your website, you should market your products based on where site visitors come from. You can know where their geographic location based on their IP address. If you want to increase your sales, you must know your market. The more you know, the more you will get.

4. Add a Checkout Bump

It’s easier to upsell than it is to generate new sales. Because of that, in the checkout page when customers want to buy, give them a sweetheart deal. Give them some discount that will generate your other product sales.

5. Make It Hard For People Not To Buy

Almost everyone in this world like a challenge, so we must utilize it. Make them do many things. When we make it less difficult for people to buy, it will make them want buy our product. It has been tasted to 4 websites, and it increased the sales until 58%

6. Make The Correct Headline

You must follow these general rules for headline:

  1. Use numbers and negative words in your headline
  2. Keep them under 65 characters for search
  3. Make your headline match with the content
  4. Odd numbers perform better than even
  5. Aim for 6-word headlines
  6. Avoid words with multiple meanings
  7. Include power words and adjectives

And this is for headline in blog post:

  1. Evoking curiosity is a strong way to generate click
  2. Make your headline match with the content blog
  3. Write in a conversational tone
  4. Being too salesy can hurt sales
  5. Make the copy clear, and easy to read
  6. Go for simpler landing pages from a design/copy standpoint
  7. Answer objection within the copy

7. Evoke Fear

Make people fearful of something, and it will make them buy your product.

8. Ask Your Customers and Visitor For Favors

By following the first and second tips, you will collect your customers email. With that, send an email asking for a favor. Ask them some help and give them the prize for that. The function of this step is make them know your other products. When they know about your products, they probably will buy it.

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