The core goal for building a vision team is to surround yourself with experts who can help make your dreams come true. Your vision team is an extremely powerful tool that can help you realize your dreams more quickly. Once you take steps to create a vision team, you must BELIEVE that you can attain your goals. Many adults cannot realize their dreams because they are overwhelmed with making a daily living. You must change your paradigm from being a slave of the system or a technician, to becoming a visionary who creates value and accumulates wealth. Visualize the outcome of your dreams at every opportunity; it will become a part of your unconscious being and soon the reality of your existence.
Use the following strategy to create a five-member vision team. Note that you can create larger teams as necessary. List experienced professionals who have expertise in one or more of the competencies in Figure 6. The blank spaces are for you to list competencies you feel are directly aligned with your goals. For example, if your goal is to become a surgeon or politician, you will need experts in the medical sciences and politics respectively. Select two or more potential candidates for each area of expertise and then choose the best candidate who avails themselves to join your vision team. Your five choices must represent diversified expertise that is aligned with the skill-sets necessary to attain your personal goals. After building your list, you will create a script to solicit meetings with your dream team nominees. Sample scripts are provided in the fundraising tools below. Practice your script, as doing so will build your self-confidence, and make you more convincing to your prospective mentors. Presentation is core to your success so pay careful attention to your script preparation.
1. List building
When building your contact list, jot down everyone you know in an excel sheet then sort them into two categories:
1 – First preference
2 – Second preference
You can create your list of potential vision team members from the sources below:
• Address book
• Friends and families
• Service providers (Doctor, lawyer etc.)
• Institution (School, church, work etc.)
2. Script writing
Write a short script about one paragraph, that you will use to contact your potential vision team members for your initial meeting.
Sample Script 1:
Good morning, Mr. Black. This is John Brown, and I am a student at Progressive College. I have enlisted in a program for entrepreneurs and am pursuing major advances to my career / business. Because I highly respect you I want to share this with you and encourage you to support me on this journey. I want to give you this opportunity to subscribe to Prove Your Concept, so you can see how entrepreneurs and parents are transforming their ideas into fortunes. This short eBook is changing the lives of many parents and young teens.
Sample Script 2:
Hello Mr. Black. I am about to embark on a major new journey / business in my life, and I am looking for a few highly- qualified and experienced individuals like you to share my journey with. I am asking your participation, along with a few other persons that I respect and feel good about. Please download this eBook so you can share in what I am doing. This short eBook is changing the lives of many entrepreneurs, parents and young teens. You will see how entrepreneurs and parents are transforming their ideas into fortunes. It is very uplifting. I would be delighted to have you on board, and l am really looking forward to making all of us proud of our achievements together.
Sample Script 3:
Hello Mr. Black. I have recently enrolled into the prestigious entrepreneur program and now have an opportunity to realize my long-time dream to own a successful business. I am working to raise the funds I need to launch my first product on a small scale and wanted to present you with this great opportunity! I carefully selected you to offer you to subscribe to Prove Your Concept, so you can see how entrepreneurs and parents are transforming their ideas into fortunes. This short eBook is changing the lives of many parents and young teens. Please down load eBook at (link)
Sample Script 4:
Would you like to raise up to $5000.00 of seed capital to establish and grow your business? I want to introduce you to Prove Your Concept and the accompanying support of a very experienced and professional team who are very anxious to take our business to the next level. I want to present you with this opportunity to download Prove Your Concept, so you can see how entrepreneurs and parents are transforming their ideas into fortunes. This short eBook is changing the lives of many parents and young teens. Please down load eBook at (link). Take a look at the 5 step business sequence before you start a personal or business project.