About Us
About Us
Pyotta is a US based corporation that helps entrepreneurs transform ideas into profits and works with small to medium businesses to accelerate their growth.
Pyotta provides consultancy services to many industries and sectors including:
- Education leadership, technology and training
- Computer engineering
- Robotics engineering
- Food & Beverage
Pyotta utilizes a proprietary “Quantum Systems Ecologies” to help new entrepreneurs and owners of small – medium businesses accelerate value creation, organizational growth and profitability.

A la carte Services
- Business Plan Preparation
- Pitch Deck Preparation
- Digital Marketing Strategic Plan Design
- Software Development (Marketing | Robotics| AI | Business applications)
2 Things High Performance Teams Need to Do

In 1994 Katzenbach and Smith published
“The Wisdom of Teams”, based on studies of team work across several companies, and case studies of business environments and work challenges. They provide evidence that teams can yield superior performance compared to groups and prescribes structures for the creation and operation of successful teams. Katzenbach and Smith define a team as “a small number of people with complementary skills who are committed to a common purpose, set of performance goals, and approach for which they hold themselves mutually accountable.” (p.112).
In comparison, a work group is simply a collection of people working in the same area or placed together to complete a task. After reviewing the knowledge base on high performance teams, below are 5 characteristics high performance teams need to have.
Brands Dr. Edwards has worked with over the last two decades

KGE Holdings seeks joint venture partners to facilitate the development and acquisition of luxury and signature residential, and mixed‐use rental properties strategically located in dynamic urban markets.